Contact us

For a quick response, send an email to or a private message through Instagram (Brussels, Louvain-la-Neuve, Liège) or Facebook.

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General informations

  • Email :
  • Email (mutual aid) :
  • Address : Avenue A. Buyl 105, 1050 Ixelles, First floor.
Afficher une carte plus grande
  • Access : Tram 8, 25 - Bus 71, 72 (ULB stop)
  • Bank account : BE12 3630 7583 0192

Our social networks:

And what about the donations?

The union membership fees are "pay what you want" (every month you donate the amount you choose). They are used, on a day-to-day basis, to run the union and to cover you in case of need (strike, appeal...). They are to be paid into the bank account: BE12 3630 7583 0192.

This money is not and will never be used for profit: it helps defending your rights and supports the union’s actions.